Tuesday, May 15, 2012

There Was a Man Sent From God, Whose Name Was John

This man came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all through him might believe.  He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.  John 1:6-8

Papua New Guinea is a very dark place...but the light is beginning to shine in that place. God's Word is being translated into the heart language of the people that live in PNG. There are still many who do not have a single verse of Scripture.

Cheryl and I are still looking for Partners in this great adventure.  If you know Christ and would like to grow in Christ and to show Christ love, we want to invite you to join us.

Come and be a part of Bible translations by praying for us, by financially supporting us or by becoming involved in mission work with Wycliffe Acssociates.   Come be a part of what God is doing. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Please continue to pray for us!  God is moving Mightly!  

II Corinthians 5:15
"and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for HIM who died for them and rose again".

Click on the link below to read a recent article written about God's call to His Ministry!

 Allvoices.com http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/12129249-missionary-couple-from-plant-city-florida-headed-for-papua-new-guinea 

Going for HIS Glory!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

And The Birthday's Just Keep Coming

It's a strange realization when you begin to only see the fire instead of the cake.  So much wasted time in my life that I know I will be held accountable for...but He redeems the time when you finally turn and give your life to "The One Who Is Worthy", Jesus Christ.
It is only because of His sacrifice that we even have life.  I can truthfully say that I was dead. 
And He gave me life.  So, what I have left I give to Him.  
We are so excited to serve the missionaries in Papua New Guinea in a tangible way that furthers Bible translation.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

...I have purposed it; I will also do it Isaiah 46:11

Each day as we pray seeking to raise up His Will and Ways in our life, He knows the plan.  He wrote the story, we are simply asked to TRUST HIM ALONE!  

Isaiah 46:9-11 
Remember the former things of old, 
For I am God, and there is no other; 
I am God, and there is none like Me,  
Declaring the end from the beginning, 
and from ancient times things that are not yet done, 
Saying,  "My Counsel shall stand, 
And I will do all My pleasure," 
Calling a bird of prey from the east, 
The man who executes My counsel, from a far country. 
Indeed I have spoke it; 
I will also bring it to pass.
I have purposed it;
I will also do it. 

HIS purpose, HE will also do!  What a fantastic promise!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Buka Training Center and Kitchen

What are you going to do on Buka Island?

From: DO-DARC Div Admin Reg Centres (Mark Van Rossen)
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 10:28 PM
To: Michael & Cheryl McDaniel
Cc: DO-DARC Assistant (Lorene Van Rossen)
Subject: RE: Hi to you from Ukarumpa

We are also praying for you as you do your partnership development, and Lorene and I have committed to praying for you and Michael, and for all of the PNG Regional Centres, managers, staff and incoming managers every morning before we start work.

As for a brief bio on the role of a Regional Centre Manager, where do I start without scaring you away?  The Regional Centre Manager is EVERYTHING!  If the Plumbing breaks, the hot water system fails, the gutters rust out, the water pump breaks down, the tap washers leak, the drains get blocked or the septic overflows, you are the person people go to.  If the Computers break, the email is down, the server crashes, the anti-virus definitions are out of date, someone needs a new laptop or the computers need upgrades, you are the technician (or you know someone who is).  If the Electricity fails, the light globes blow, the solar water heater fails, the backup generator fails (or needs servicing, fuel or parts), people look to the Regional Manager for a solution. If the staff, students, teachers, guests, translators or visitors have a problem of any kind, the Regional Manager is the go to person – day or night (usually night for some obscure reason – I’m sure they secretly plan it).  If there is a security incident, a vehicle accident, a military / political coup (just had one two weeks ago), or a medical problem ranging from headaches and childbirth to broken bones and funerals, the Regional manager usually finds out first and is the person everyone expects to have all the answers.  If the vehicle or vehicles break down, the Regional Manager is the one they call on, for repairs, rescue or towing.  If a translator, literacy team, survey team or one of our partner organizations needs supplies sent out to their village, the Regional manager is the person they call on.  From buying fan belts for ancient German lawnmowers to mow the airstrip so the plane can land, to buying enough supplies and materials to build a complete three bedroom house – the Regional manager does it all!  If there is a tsunami alert, an earthquake, a cyclone, fire or flood, the Regional Manager is the go to person and has a contingency plan for evacuation or relocation.  The Regional Manager is the Bank Manager, the Accountant, the financial consultant, the debt collector and a clerk.  The Regional Manager is a teacher, a counselor, a chef and a dishwasher, a veterinarian, a gardener, a guard and a friend.  The Regional manager refuels helicopters and planes, loads trucks and boats and communicates by phone, HF radio, email, Skype, 2 way radio and standard mail.  Regional Managers are integral to the work of Bible Translation in PNG.  Translators and Language teams depend heavily on them.  Regional Managers take care of all the details so the Translators and Literacy teams can focus on the work of Bible Translation.

 I hope that helps you to be able to communicate to your friends and potential supporters what it is that you will be getting yourselves in for.  I hope that didn’t scare you at all – all of those things (and more) that I listed above my wife and I experienced in our 5 years managing the Lae Centre.  You don’t have to have all the answers; you just need to know where to look.  It’s the most exciting job around – helping people gives us a buzz and that we can do that in support of Bible Translation gives it so much meaning!

If you have any more questions or need anything from us, please ask we love this work and will take any opportunity to tell others about it.

 With you in His service,


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How important is God's Word?

Pastor Michael Lewis, Dr. Gary Williams, J. Myrle Henry and Bob Westlake
These men are the bedrock in Plant City and Eastern Hillsbourough County.  Bringing the Word of God to the believers heart.

Praise the Lord!  
I will give thanks to the LORD according to His righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High. Psalm 7:17
Cheryl and I have reached the midway mark in our Partnership development.  Many have indicated that they will be joining us as financial partners by supporting us monthly.  It is not too late to join us in partnership.  We will need to have 100% of our support by the end of May.  Come join us as we assist in sharing the Word of God to unreached people groups.
April went out with such a BANG.  Cheryl and I had an opportunity to share in Tessera on Wednesday where many joined us in partnership.  We were honored to speak Friday at the Evangelistic University and Seminary’s Fund Raiser and on Sunday we shared with the Young Adult Sunday School classes that meet in the second hour.  God has been so good to us.  He has called us to share about Bible translation and continually equips us and provides for our needs. 

Do you have friends that would like to hear more about the lost in Papua New Guinea?  We would love to share what God is doing to reach the least reached with your Sunday Scool class, church, and civic organization.  Email mcdaniel.png.wa@gmail.com and we will set time aside for you.